What you can expect in weekly worship at St. Paul’s
Our weekly worship service, also called liturgy, literally means "the work of the people." This means that we all do something together in worship. When the community gathers each Sunday, we don’t just sit and listen to someone talk, or watch someone do special things up front. Together we sing, we pray, we listen, we greet one another in peace, we share bread and wine.
Worship at St. Paul’s follows the historic pattern of Christian worship inherited from our ancestors in faith. This ancient pattern can be described in four words; Gathering (the Holy Spirit calls us together as the people of God), Word (God speaks to us in scripture, preaching and song), Meal (God feeds us with the presence of Jesus Christ) and Sending (God blesses us and sends us in mission to the world).
If you are visiting us from the Episcopal or Roman Catholic traditions, you will find the liturgy very familiar and easy to follow. Yet we make every effort to make the service accessible to all, including printing a bulletin each Sunday. Most visitors find that after a few weeks, the service "grows on them" and that they appreciate the balance between speech, singing, and ritual.